Forensic & Mandated Treatment — SHARPER FUTURE


SHARPER FUTURE works with referring agencies to provide specialized treatment for offenders and those facing court-mandated treatment utilizing relapse prevention and harm reduction as foundations to our treatment. When relevant, we embrace and utilize the containment model related to treatment and offender management. Referrals to this highly structured program are typically convicted sex offenders referred by a parole agent or a probation officer. Offenders and clients can also self-refer themselves. The program focuses on relapse prevention to address distorted thinking, emotional disturbances and maladaptive behaviors associated with re-offense risk. We utilize evidence-based curriculum and clinical interventions. We also utilize certified polygraph examiners.

Working with forensic populations in an outpatient setting is extremely rewarding and quite challenging however, seeing clients succeed and make healthy choices and steps to improving themselves is worth the time and challenge.


  • Initial Assessment

  • Risk assessment and ongoing re-assessment of risk for reoffending

  • Group-based, Sequenced, Psychoeducational Curriculum

  • Intensive Cognitive-Behavioral (CBT) Interventions

  • Involvement with family and support systems as allowed

  • Linkage to offender-friendly employers

  • Alcohol & Drug Free Environment

  • Strong collaboration with supervising probation and parole agencies

Any substance abuse, family/relationship issues are directly addressed in concurrent treatment.